Exhibitions views

From an exhibition at Portfolio Gallery in Reykjavik 2023

Oil colour and sheets of silver on canvas 180 x 80 cm each

Oil colour and sheets of silver on canvas 180 x 120 cm

Graphite on carton 80 x 60 cm each

Teikn og tákn

Graphite on carton 80 x 60 cm

Tectonics, Oil colour on canvas 150 x 150 cm 2018 Svavar Guðnason Untitled, Oil colour on masonite ca 1960

Erla Thor The continents are seven Oil colour and sheets of silver on canvas

Oil colour and sheets of silver on canvas 200 x 130 cm and tempera colours with sheets of silver 200 x 100 cm

Wool, silk and fan 2008-2020


Oil colour, pigment and sheets of silver on canvas 180 x 80 cm each

Oil colour and sheets of silver on canvas 180 x 80 cm

Drawings on cartoon 80 x 60 cm

Lots of tiny little people. Tectonic — chakra colours. Oil colours on canvas 180 x 80 cm each

Mokka in Reykjavik 2019

Mokka in Reykjavik 2019

Layers of Time Karl Kvaran and Erla Þórarinsdotiir 2016

West-East, East- West and Path Oil colour and sheet silver on canvas

Sheet silver on paper 2016

between the continental plates. Oil colour and sheet silver on canvas 120 x 150 cm 2016

Triptych — presence Photography transfered to satin

Presence/Triptych — hieros gamos. Photography transferred to satin

Creatrix. Oil colour and sheets of silver on canvas 160 x 120 cm

Genetrix Oil colour and sheets of silver on canvas 160 x 120 cm

Hallgrims Church Reykjavik

Oil color, pigments and sheet silver on canvas 1999 - 2015

Birting/ Illumination 2015. The Florentine Diamond and 3 Diamond cuts. Oil colour on canvas

Nýmálað/Just painted 2015 BANGA BONGA and Continuous with no beginning 180 x 170 cm each Oil color on canvas

One lines Oil color on aluminium 100 x 70 cm

Onelines Oil colour on aluminum 2014

64°09N & 21°57W oxidations Oil colour and sheet silver on canvas

Granite and water

Transmutation and Koh i Nohr diamond. Oil colour on canvas and sheetys of silver

Samtímis/ Contemporaneous Listasafn ASÍ Reykjavik 2010

Mandala — Gerðarsafn, Kopavogur Art Museum 2009. Sculpture in front by Gerður Helgadóttir

from colonial and postcolonial times. Oil colour on canvas Skaftfell 2007